Sunday, 3 September 2017

A Second Floor Scene

A scent of freshly laundered linen
as your stripes slide off swiftly
and the creases                                
                                             of your skin
are snatched at in delirious delight
under the gaze of Venus' light
and the blinds                                   
                                 stir in the wind
snatching at the open window
where we echo in the night.

Friday, 1 September 2017

September Softness

A plethora of pressed petals
could not duplicate your delicacy,
nor could their scent evoke sensations
a slight bit as strong, as those sustained
by the perfume on your curved clavicle,
skin as exposed as those feelings
I struggle to conceal as you catch me staring
as my inner-self screams those words
that my tongue is too sedulous to speak.

Summer Upstaged

Summer retired, stage right,
with little fanfare,
upstaged by Autumn's carefree cameo,
undeserving of the star billing received
with her limited stage time,
swept away by the shifting folly of fame.