Sunday, 27 March 2011

In the Garden

Since the dawning of time, two people stood alone,
one was the slave to the being on the throne,
one was demure, and the other a sinner,
in this epic tale there is only one winner.

Since the followers of the sun, the religious led astray,
atheists and anarchists get their own way,
God fearing people, threatened by hell,
besides, the sinners have more of a story to tell.

There stood a man, bold and stern
to defeat the master he must learn
the ways of a warrior,
the plans of a mastermind
with this he is the saviour of mankind.

There stood a woman, swift and wise
to defeat the master she must rise.
She must learn to seize the day
and to do what’s essential,
only with this she reaches her potential.

Millions of years on, not much has altered;
the strong have remained, while the weak have all faltered.
Driven by their dreams, astray by devotion,
the strong don’t sense, the weak show emotion.

Whipped to the fiery depths of the abyss
the heroes now find them selves wandering.
The struggle within causes great pain
and so life will, sadly, never be the same.

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