Friday, 4 November 2011

Against the Tide

For the past few months I've been swimming against a tide
which has been dragging towards the jagged terrain,
so if I was to relax and grasp a wave to ride
I know that it would ultimately result in pain.

So I have no choice but to struggle against the pull
and hope that my efforts lead me somewhere secure
when I can take advantage of the tempest's lull
though I know I still have the worst of it to endure.

And now the clouds above me are starting to get so bleak
and all of my muscles are beginning to ache
but I can't show any outward signs of feeling weak
as sharks are circling to snatch their supper that's at stake.

As I notice their presence, I feel like giving in
like all hope and vigour's deserted my every limb
but I see my reflection in their sharp daggered fin
and realise that I have enough strength left to swim.

I'm still no closer to reaching a safe dry land
but I sense that I'm becoming stronger with each stroke made
and when water is shallow enough for me to stand
I'll be content to remain wet and gently wade.

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