Friday, 18 November 2011

Go the Long Way/Go the Wrong Way

The problem in taking a shortcut
is that your knowledge of the shortened journey
results in your embarking later,
which in turn gets you to your destination
at the same time as another route would have gotten you.
You walk swiftly, head down with your eyes
staring down at your feet
powering like pistons.

The problem in satellite navigation and maps
is that you rely to heavily on someone else's knowledge
and lose your sense of direction,
your sense of independence,
and your sense of adventure.
You walk swiftly, head down with your eyes
staring down at your directions
whispering like Satan into your ear.

Go the long way,
go the wrong way;
there's a beauty in getting lost.
You'd get more out of your day
encountering some of the world
you would never have crossed.
So next time I pace
I will slow my pace
and soak in the view.
There is no more beautiful place
than this hectic world
which is scarcely given the credit overdue.

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