Friday, 4 November 2011

A Call for Passion

The kids these days look like clones
as if they need reassurance that they're not alone
with their v-neck shirts and vintage skirts,
stretched out ears and meaningless tattoos that prevent careers,
they kick their canvas shoes as they talk on their expensive phones.
I don't mind if they have chosen this image as their own
but when it's no function all fashion, all profit no fashion,
a mob without a mind, the blind leading the blind
then I am worn to the bone.

The irony is, most of these reject the mainstream
like their subculture is much more unique than it seems
but they are all investing into the notion they're protesting
and the words lose their sense coming from mouths of pretence.
Those true to their roots get tarred as the same team
forcing them to begin off-shoots to revive their dream,
so with the foundations dispersing, the rubble start cursing,
causing trouble for the true who are now just a few
and so style over substance reigns supreme.

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