Sunday 21 August 2011

Tired Script

Different characters in the same recycled plot,
I'm becoming stultified by the script
but still I fall into the same old traps
and find myself confused and tricked.

If my character decided to improvise
and work a shoot of heartfelt lines,
would he be able to rid himself
of a poor plot's pessimistic confines?

I can't put any conviction
into a part to which I can't relate
and when I try to be that person
I start to choke on my own self-hate.

Perhaps I'm just useless at this game.
Perhaps I don't suit this role.
But trying to be both him and me
has left me with a tear in my soul.

So tomorrow I must kill my character off
so he can't make a return series
and when I look back on his story
I'll see just how irrational my fear is.

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