Sunday 27 March 2011

Extinguishing the Phoney Fire

How do I hear such laughter, humorous
and have no harmony in happy mirth?
False amusements are ever numerous
and having to grimace falsely is not worth
the jaw ache, and my heart’s inner hurting
that hell’s howls extinguish humility.
These false manic smiles are disconcerting,
hiding happiness’ visibility.
Leave your chuckles for the heart to heed
for your hooting lies I find hideous
and is like a popularity plead
- save it is I, being fastidious
and I am a grim humourless killjoy
that hates to see peoples unshared pleasure,
letting the pretentious people annoy
and ignoring my own true happiness.
The wax smiles are melting off your faces
with no one there to see; the candle fails,
extinguishing artificial races
revealing melted distorted details
as I release a flame of hearty laugh,
ostentatious candles have felt my wrath

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