Monday 28 February 2011

Resist or Serve?

Our ending is impending,
the death toll is immense!
Is this world  worth defending
when they offer better defense?
Or do we carry on pretending
man can make a difference?

With the caring love of Venus
and the deadly war of Mars
returns our exogenous,
realigning our stars.

They were here before us, and now they implore us
to give them back these lands.
They had more circumspection in nature's protection,
would the world not be in better hands?

With the caring love of Venus
and the deadly war of Mars
returns our exogenous,
reopening our scars.

They cam to create us, and now they take from us
this world we had controlled.
They are callous, burning with malice,
should we twist or fold?

With the caring love of Venus
and the deadly war of Mars
returns our exogenous,
reigniting old sparks.

Is it arrogance or proud persistence
to exuberate a false, final verve
and to try and defend an existence
we have done naught to deserve?
Do we carry our this resistance
or do we succumb and serve?

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